Foothiller Founders
2012-2023 (76 Tiles) - ($1,000) receive an 8x8” gray tile on the 1937 Old Gym.
- Bill Anders
- Bill & Bonnie Ashman
- George & Elaine Bailey
- Barona Band of Mission Indians
- Bill and Claire Black
- Tom Bloomer
- Jerry Botts
- Jon Burdick
- Gene Chubb
- Willie Clarke
- The Class of 1966
- Ben & Diane Cloud (2)
- Hugh Cobb
- Leslie Collins
- Linda Cone
- Diane Cutler
- Bill & Sharon Davis
- Ellen Erath
- Gerald Fackler
- Joseph Famme
- Bill & Diggie Funke
- Bob Geiberger
- GHS Educational Foundation (4)
- GHS Museum & GHS Alumni
- David Gillespie
- Barbara & David Groce
- Laurie Halgren
- Jerry & Norma Halterman
- Judy Cox Heggie
- Karen Brown Hessen
- Linda Jondall & Sam McCormick
- Roger Karnopp
- Tom Karnowski (7)
- Theresa Kemper
- Martin Kennedy
- Jeanne and Ed Kintzele (2)
- Myron Klippert &
- Linda Nakooney
- Patricia Laabs
- Jean Landis
- Tony Lawrence
- Jerry Lewis
- Mary Lou McClellan
- Paul Miller
- Bob Papciak
- Jennifer Niskey
- Micki Plummer
- Thomas Pollock (2 tiles)
- Willa Ramsey
- Kathy Riggins
- Sharon Anderson Ritchey
- Robert & Eileen Rugg
- Carol Sample
- Gloria Sever
- Jim Spackman (2)
- Ed Stalder
- Julia Stewart
- Bob Stockton
- Terrazas Family
- Charitable Trust
- Turner Construction
- Sandia DeWaide Tuttle &
- Marty DeWaide Price
- Anne von der Mehden &
- Cecile Walters
- Bill Woolman (3)
- Lyle Wright